Gastric Sleeve in Houston, Texas

obesity is not fair - not equal among everyone - obesity reporterAmerica needs to take its health seriously. Obesity, defined by CDC as a BMI of 30, has tripled in the past 50 years. Today 40% of the population in the United States are considered obese. At 33%, Texas is ranked 14th when it comes to obesity in our country. In fact, six metropolitan areas in Texas are among the top 100 fattest cities in the nation. [1]

Houston has been named the fattest city in the United States (2002 to 2013) and it has some of the worst statistics on obesity in the World.

Why is it so bad to be overweight?

Being overweight is dangerous; it is one of the primary drivers of mortality. It increases the risk of diabetes, heart diseases, as well as pancreatic, liver, and thyroid cancers. Obesity increases the chance of contracting, getting hospitalized, and die from Coronavirus (COVID-19) and its variants.

Weight Loss Surgery

Weight Loss Surgery or Bariatric Surgery is a procedure that aims to help patients rid themselves of obesity by making changes in a patient’s stomach or in the way food gets digested. Bariatric procedures, such as gastric sleeve, help with long-term weight reduction as well as remission of underlying medical conditions.

Years ago, physicians were wary of bariatric surgery because it was seen as unsafe and risky. Today, with advancements in bariatrics and new medical devices, weight loss surgery is seen as a life-saving treatment option for many individuals. Now, many physicians are recommending their obese patients to undergo bariatric surgery, because of all the benefits it has.

Houston has shaped up by changing its diet, exercise, lifestyle, and bariatric surgery; it is no longer the “America’s Fattest City!” [2020]

We have gathered a list of the top weight loss surgeons in Houston, Texas; surgeons and physicians who can help you slim down and live a healthier life.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Houston Texas - Houston, TX at Night

Types of Weight Loss Surgeries:

Bariatric Surgeries come in two types: restrictive and malabsorptive; both produce weight loss but have different functions to the body.

Restrictive Bariatric Surgery does just that, it restricts the stomach capacity to induce fullness quicker. This allows the patient to consume fewer calories and therefore lose weight. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is the most popular and common restrictive weight loss procedure today.

Types of restrictive bariatric surgeries:

  1. Gastric Sleeve Surgery (otherwise known as Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy) – produces the additional benefit of Ghrelin (Hunger Hormone) Production Decrease.
  2. Gastric Banding Surgery (known more commonly by the brand names, Lap-Band and REALIZE band).
  3. Gastric Sleeve Plication, a new weight loss surgery yet to be confirmed of its efficacy, very few surgeons in the United States perform surgery.
  4. Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG), done endoscopically for patients BMI of under 40.

Malabsorptive Bariatric Surgery aims to reduce the amount of food that gets digested in the intestines. This allows food to pass the intestines undigested, allowing individuals to have lower caloric intakes. Today, no malabsorptive-only procedures are being performed, instead, a combination of malabsorptive and restrictive procedures are being performed.

Types of restrictive and malabsorptive bariatric surgeries:

  1. Gastric Bypass Surgery (Roux-en-Y, or RNY), once thought of as the Gold Standard in bariatrics is being etched out by gastric sleeve surgery.
  2. Mini-Gastric Bypass Surgery is a simplified version of the roux-en-y bypass.
  3. Duodenal Switch is a procedure aimed only at the morbidly obese.

Only about 25% of U.S. adults eat the recommended five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

  • Less than 25% of adolescents eat the recommended five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
  • More than 50% of American adults do not get the recommended amount of physical activity to provide health benefits.
  • More than a third of young people in grades 9–12 do not regularly engage in vigorous physical activity.