Gastric Sleeve VS Gastric Banding
Gastric sleeve surgery or sleeve gastrectomy is a bariatric surgery procedure that removes up to 85% of the stomach and leaving behind a sleeve stomach. This new sleeve holds small amounts of food, which limits the calorie intake. The patient feels full faster and has an overall loss of appetite. Recovery time is generally two to three weeks with a 2-day hospital stay.
With gastric banding surgery, a belt is placed around the top portion of the stomach, which makes it smaller. This reduces the size of the intake section that consumes food. Patients will not be able to store much food and must eat several small meals each day. The band itself is made of silicone and has a balloon in it that can be adjusted (loosened or tightened) as needed. Recovery time is about one week to return to work and approximately six weeks to resume normal activity (strenuous exercise and heavy lifting).
While gastric sleeve surgery is not reversible, gastric banding surgery can be reversed.
Gastric Sleeve VS Gastric Bypass
Gastric sleeve surgery or sleeve gastrectomy is a weight loss surgery procedure that removes up to 85% of a patient’s stomach. What is left is a sleeve-like stomach that can only hold small amounts of food. This makes patients feel fuller faster, consume fewer calories, and lose weight fast. The procedure itself makes patients lose their sense of appetite. However, regular meals are important to ensure proper nutrition. Recovery time is generally two to three weeks with a two-day hospital stay.
In gastric bypass surgery, the stomach is divided into two parts, an upper pouch, and a large bottom pouch. During this procedure, the small pouch is connected to a portion of the small intestine that is lower. This procedure is called Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. This creates a direct path for food to be digested without consuming many of the calories. However, this does keep nutrients from being absorbed from the body too. Recovery time is two to three weeks with a two to three-day hospital stay following surgery.
Neither surgery is irreversible.
Duodenal Switch VS Mini Gastric Bypass
Duodenal switch surgery is both a restrictive and malabsorptive bariatric surgery procedure. During the procedure, the surgeon reduces the size of the stomach and sews up the remaining section, rerouting it directly to the small intestine. The smaller stomach size limits the food a patient can consume and the rerouting limits the calories that are absorbed by the body. It’s important to note this means that nutrients aren’t absorbed as well leading to the need for daily nutritional supplements for a lifetime. The recovery time for this bariatric surgery is between two to three weeks. Patients generally stay in the hospital just two days following surgery.
With the Mini Gastric Bypass surgery, the process involves the same results of the regular gastric bypass surgery just with a faster and less invasive process with less side effects. The procedure is done laparoscopically where a surgeon staples a new stomach into a tube shape. A portion of the small intestine is joined to this new tube which bypasses up to six feet of the small intestine. Recovery takes just one week with a one-day hospital day.